All Posts Tagged: yoga

Fitness Friday: How to Maintain a Healthy Back

Most of the time when one is experiencing back pain, they often stay sedentary all day, because they think being active or stretching will hurt them more rather than elevate their back pain. Here are some great stretches and exercises that will increase core strength to support a healthy back.

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back pain

5 Bad Habits You Don’t Know Are Causing You Back Pain

You hear about the typical reasons for back pain all the time; a slipped disc, a work injury, a genetic disorder. But you may not know all the things you do on a daily basis that indicate you’re headed towards a whole heap of pain. Back pain often isn’t an instantaneous thing. It usually occurs as a culmination of things that have happened to your body over the years. So, we’ve put together the top five bad habits that you might not even know are contributing to your pain or might contribute to pain in the future.

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National Yoga Day Stretches to Ease Back Pain

Whether young or old, male or female, chances are you’ll experience back pain at some point in your life. Whether you drink hot tea or sweet iced tea, whether you’re a world traveler or homebody, chances are an injury, poor posture, or aging will affect the way you sympathize with chronic back pain sufferers. We have the expertise, staff, and passion for treating back pain for every walk of life, but there are things our patients can do at home – like yoga – to help prevent or help alleviate inflammation.

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