All Posts in Category: General Information

“The Golfer’s Swing: A Multi-modal Approach to Improving Your Game”

A competitive edge is a highly sought attribute for any serious athlete. As young, healthy athletes slowly begin to add years of experience to his/her playing card, there are added stressors and strains that inevitably accumulate. Very often I see an aging adult that has the follow through and motivation of a champion but an uncooperative physique. So the question then becomes, how can the imminent become less inhibiting?

Let’s discuss some of the limiting factors and how we might be able to address these items through a strengthening and flexibility regime that could potentially be the difference between double bogey and par. Primary areas of focus will include hip range of motion, low back musculature, and biomechanics of your golf swing.

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proper snow shoveling tips

Winter Shoveling Tips  

Shoveling snow is one of the most thankless cold-weather tasks. Up north, they have giant plow trucks and snow-blowers to move unwanted snow. Unfortunately, here in Arkansas, it is up to us to move the nasty stuff manually, unless you want to wait a few days until it has melted! But if you need to get out, it can be treacherous as thawing snow during the day turns to icy frozen sheets at night. Removing the snow from your walks and driveway is the safest way.  Here are some tips to help you get through this necessary evil without injury.

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How To Avoid Migraines During the Holidays

Migraines always seem to strike at inopportune times. And with the countless holiday parties, gatherings and trips that will be going on in the next month, the number of events that could be effectively ruined by an ill-timed migraine are about to greatly increase. Unfortunately, along with the number of events that could be ruined by migraines, the amount of migraine triggers is also about to go up. Indulgent food, bright décor and unusual schedules can all heighten the chance of migraines, yet avoiding these throughout the next month seems near impossible. By following the below guidelines, you can increase your chances of enjoying your typical holiday merriment while also keeping headaches and migraines in check.

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best pillow for neck pain

Neck Pain: Which Pillow Is Best

Most people know that the type of mattress you use, how long you’ve had it, and the position you sleep in all affect the type of back pain you might endure when you get up in the morning. We consider it such an important factor to taking care of your back that that we recently wrote a blog on it (include link).

What most people don’t know is that your pillow is also a huge factor in preventing back and neck pain. Whether it’s a childhood-like attachment or fear of buying the wrong one, we all tend to hold on to pillows too long. If no amount of fluffing can save the sagging, drooping pillow sadly sitting atop your mattress, it’s time to look into a fresher, younger model. And we can help.

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selective nerve root block

Selective Nerve Root Block FAQ

What is a Selective Nerve Root Block?

A selective nerve root block (SNRB) is a procedure that helps Legacy surgeons determine the source of your leg or arm pain. There are many nerves in the cervical and lumbar spine. It is sometimes necessary to use more than an MRI, physical exam and symptom evaluation to determine the cause of pain.

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Playing Tennis with Injury

Protecting Your Back While Playing Tennis

Our primary goal is to help our patients live the healthiest, most pain-free lives they can, and exercise is an essential part of that. We find tennis is a great activity option for many of our patients, as it is low-impact and courts and equipment are highly accessible. Whether you have a history of back pain or simply want to prevent it, here are a few tips to help you get out on the courts while making sure your back is taken care of at the same time.

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Neuro vs Ortho

Neurosurgeon vs Orthopedic Surgeon: Which is Right For You?

When a patient begins to experience back pain that will require a specialist’s attention, many consider making an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to be the natural next step. While orthopedists do specialize in the entire musculoskeletal system and have training in spinal surgery, they aren’t always the right choice for every patient. While orthopedic surgeons are trained to treat bones, joints and ligaments all over your body, neurosurgeons spend their six to seven years of training focusing solely on your brain, spine and nervous system. This concentrated focus often helps a neurosurgeon have a deeper understanding of the delicate nuances of the spine.

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Best Sports For Your Back

Best Sports For Your Back

While watching the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio last summer, you may have felt inspired to pursue your own athletic goals while watching the Olympic athletes pursue theirs. If you’re currently experiencing back pain, or have dealt with back pain in the past, it can be intimidating to jump into a sport or exercise routine. You worry about putting too much pressure on your already compromised spine, or tweaking your back just enough to send any recovery progress you’ve made into a tailspin. If you want to incorporate more activity into your life, but want to be easy on your back at the same time, the below sports may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

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Meet Legacy Neurosurgeons

Meet Our Neurosurgeons

August is Neurosurgery Awareness Month, and we’re helping you get to know our neurosurgeons and their specialties a little better! Though neurosurgery is already highly specialized, our neurosurgeons each have their own unique skills, areas of expertise and passions within the field. Learn more about them below:

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