With the Holidays right around the corner, there are so many opportunities to over indulge, so here are some good tips to fight off those extra LBs and stay fit this Holiday Season!
Exercise: Its easy to skip out on your exercise during this extremely busy time of year, but here are some ideas to keep you motivated.
Get outside
Grab a friend or relative and take a lap around the neighborhood, or get the whole family involved in some back-yard games. Encourage the whole family to go for a short walk after you finish up your Thanksgiving Dinner and before desert! You’ll feel so much better about having that slice of Pumpkin or Pecan Pie!
Sign up for a local Turkey Trot
See if you have a local “Turkey Trot”! If you are a Little Rock local, you can sign up for the Go!bbler Race, hosted by Go! Running—“Join hundreds of runners, walkers and holiday merrymakers for a little pre-turkey ‘trot’”. It is free to participate but it is encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Foodbank!
Set a Challenge!
Make a pledge to do some sort of activity everyday from Thanksgiving to New Years! For example you could pledge to run or walk at least 1 mile a day, or if you aren’t much a runner– you can create your own challenge that involves bodyweight exercises, yoga, or riding a bike, or simply get 20 minutes of exercise everyday!
Eating Tips: How to still enjoy yourself without overdoing it!
Eat in the Morning
Don’t skip breakfast to save your appetite for the big feast, this will cause you to over indulge later, and is bad for your metabolism.
Don’t get carried away with the appetizers
We all know it is hard to stop snacking on the appetizers, but set a limit for yourself. Appetizers can be enjoyed all year round, so make sure you have room to enjoy the Turkey Day meal that we only get to enjoy once a year! Think—Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy!
Use a smaller plate
Studies have shown using a smaller plate can lead you to eat 30% less than you would on a normal sized plate. So skip the big plate and opt for a smaller plate—that way you can still have all the goodies, but it will reduce your chances of over-indulging and heading straight for the couch.