All Posts Tagged: emg

Legacy Neuro team

Who Performs Your EMG/NCV Is More Important Than You May Realize [Updated 2025]

What is an EMG/NCS

Electromyography (EMG) measures the muscle response or electrical activity in response to nerve’s stimulation of the muscle, while the Nerve Conduction Study (NCV) measures how fast and how strong the electrical activity is in a nerve. These test are often performed together. An EMG and NCV is used to help detect neuromuscular abnormalities and is often ordered by your medical professional when one has unexplained pain, tingling or muscle weakness. EMGs can be used to diagnosis several medical conditions including, but not limited to—Peripheral nerve damage, radiculopathy, pinched nerves, ALS, , neuropathy, muscular dystrophy, and inflammation of muscles.

EMG/NCV Testing should be done by a qualified physician.

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Numbness of the Hands

Patients frequently complain of numbness and tingling of the hands.

The most common causes include:

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
    • Ulnar Nerve Compression
    • Spinal cord compression and other conditions of the spinal cord that cause cervical myelopathy.
    • Cervical radiculopathy
    • Peripheral neuropathy.
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Foot Drop: Symptoms and Treatments

Foot drop is a term used to describe difficulty raising your foot upwards (dorsiflexion). This may be most noticeable when trying to walk as people with foot drop often complain of tripping and dragging their foot. Foot drop can be caused by a number of underlying neurological problems and should be evaluated by your physician.

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