Legacy Spine and Neurological Specialist wishes all our patients and their families a Happy Thanksgiving Day!
We are thankful for so many things here at Legacy! But here are just a few of the most important:
- Our Patients for entrusting us with their care and being part of the Legacy Family!
- Our referring doctors across the state and surrounding states that believe we are the best possible practice to care for their patients!
- Our entire staff here dedicated to service and helping so many patients every day!
- Our nurses and their warm and compassionate care for our patients without which we could not do what we do to help so many all the time!
- Our physical therapist for her hands, skills and teaching she provides all our patients in their quest to resolve their pain and keep it from returning!
- Our doctors and their skilled hands and minds providing our patients with the best in neurological, spine, medical-surgical diagnosis and treatments possible!
Our award winning physician team for their recognition for so many well deserved awards: Scott Schlesinger, MD- Best of the Best Nominee and Winner Best of the Best Neurosurgeon AR Dem-Gazette 2017, AY Best Health Care Professional, Nominee AR Business Health Care Hero, Health Tap’s Top Neurosurgeon, Vitals 5 Year Honoree Patients’ Choice Award; David Rubin, MD- AR Dem-Gazette Top 5 Neurosurgeon Nominee, AY Best Health Care Professional; Elizabeth Sullivan, MD- AY Best Health Care Professional; Kelli Schlesinger, MD- AY Best Health Care Professional.
- Our Spine Surgical Center for its state of the art developments allowing so many people to have minimally invasive spine surgery including fusions through 1 inch Keyhole incisions that allow them outpatient care benefits, quicker recovery and back to life at the fastest pace possible.
- Our administrator, Allie Mills, who keeps us all working together as a cohesive team to provide a patient-centric team approach of neurology and neurosurgery care of the spine and entire nervous system.
- Our state and local men and women of our police, fire and civil services that protect and serve our life’s and our families every day that we may unknowingly take for granted!
- Our elected officials of our local, state and national offices that sacrifice so much of their time to tireless work through our great democratic process to attempt to ensure that our country will continue in its position as the greatest nation on earth in the role below!
- Our country and the USA Military for providing us all the freedom to live, believe, invent, perfect, think, want, work, worship, dream as we all individually desire! Freedom so many of us take for granted! Thank you to all the men and women of our military who have sacrificed so much including their life’s to ensure our Freedoms!!!!
For all of these and many more we are so thankful on this 2017 Thanksgiving Day!