All Posts Tagged: best arkansas neurosurgeon

Person with toothache

Toothache? OR Trigeminal Neuralgia? [Updated 2025]

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), also known as Tic Douloureux and or the suicide disease, is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal or 5th cranial nerve, one of the most widely distributed nerves in the head.

Trigeminal Neuralgia is often misdiagnosed as dental pain, since pain is frequently triggered when someone chews or talks. However, pain can also occur when someone touches their face, shaves or simply feels the wind.

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What is causing my leg pain?

There are many potential sources of leg pain. The nerves that provide motor and sensory function to the legs start in the lower back. These are called the lumbar nerves. Leg pain that starts in the lower back and radiates down the leg is often referred to as ‘sciatica.’

Some causes of leg pain from a lumbar spine problem include:

Disk Herniation

where the soft cushion between the bony vertebrae of the spine herniates from its normal position and causes compression of the lumbar nerves

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Lumbar Disc Disease


Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the condition, and may range from no symptoms to severe pain in the back and or legs with variable degrees of numbness, tingling and weakness in the legs.


The lumbar discs are the cushions between each of the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. These cushions are composed of an inner layer of material called the nucleus pulposus, which is surrounded by fibrous bands called the annulus. The nucleus material is a gelatinous core that has the consistency of “boiled shrimp”. These cushions serve as the shock absorbers in our lower back, just like the shock in your car. These “shock absorbers” experience daily wear and tear.

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Foot Drop: Symptoms and Treatments

Foot drop is a term used to describe difficulty raising your foot upwards (dorsiflexion). This may be most noticeable when trying to walk as people with foot drop often complain of tripping and dragging their foot. Foot drop can be caused by a number of underlying neurological problems and should be evaluated by your physician.

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Non-Invasive Treatment for Neck Pain

Cervical Steroid Injections

Our primary goal is to relieve patient’s pain, while taking the least invasive route. Often times when someone has neck pain, it is best to start with Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections. Cervical Epidural Steroid injections are often used to relieve pain in the neck, arms and shoulders. Neck pain is often caused by conditions like herniated discs, bulging discs, arthritis and spinal stenosis, which can cause compression and pinched nerves. To relieve pain associated with these, we often times recommend getting a series of three injections

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“The Golfer’s Swing: A Multi-modal Approach to Improving Your Game”

A competitive edge is a highly sought attribute for any serious athlete. As young, healthy athletes slowly begin to add years of experience to his/her playing card, there are added stressors and strains that inevitably accumulate. Very often I see an aging adult that has the follow through and motivation of a champion but an uncooperative physique. So the question then becomes, how can the imminent become less inhibiting?

Let’s discuss some of the limiting factors and how we might be able to address these items through a strengthening and flexibility regime that could potentially be the difference between double bogey and par. Primary areas of focus will include hip range of motion, low back musculature, and biomechanics of your golf swing.

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Holiday travel

Protect Your Back During Holiday Travel

Holiday season is officially here, and for many central Arkansans, that means lots of travel hours spent in the car and airport to see far away friends and family. Grueling holiday travel can be taxing on the healthiest people, but for those with chronic back pain, it can be almost unbearable. Below, we’ve outlined a few basic practices to help you have a happy, pain-free holiday.

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