Common Symptoms For Cervical Radiculopathy
- Radiating arm pain and/or numbness and tingling
- Neural Foramen Stenosis: Usually due to a ruptured or herniated disc in the cervical spine or narrowing of the exit hole for the nerve also called neural foramen stenosis
- Cervical Spinal Stenosis: May be also associated with cervical spinal stenosis which can lead to spinal cord damage or cervical myelopathy
Treatments & Causes Of Cervical Radiculopathy
- If not associated with spinal cord compression can be initially treated with conservative care
- Conservative options include: Neuropathic medications, physical therapy and manipulation therapy, Cervical Epidural Injections
- Surgery is usually via an ACDF or anterior cervical discectomy and fusion from the front of the neck for refractory cases and/or those with severe neurological issues including spinal canal stenosis.
- When indicated surgery is usually very successful and the benefits far outweigh the risks
- Other causes less common of this type of pain may include shoulder disease, neuropathy, CTS, brachial plexopathy, vascular disease
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(501) 661-0077
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